Selasa, 26 Januari 2010
Jumat, 26 Juni 2009
Selasa, 23 Juni 2009
OSIS SMP N 4 Kec.Payakumbuh
CLASS MEETING By:OSIS Kampus Ateh Gunung
Ujian Semester Genap telah berlalu,OSIS SMP N 4 Kec.Payakumbuh beserta pembimbing dan majelis guru "STICK TOGETHER" buat mengisi waktu kosong buat sesuatu yang sangat berharga untuk semua.
Beranjak dari pemikiran diatas,tujuan lain dari melaksanakan Class Meeting di SMP N 4 Kec.Payakumbuh adalah untuk memupuk hubungan silaturahmi antar kelas di lingkungan SMP N 4 Kec.Payakumbuh dan mencari bibit SMP N 4 Kec.Payakumbuh serta untuk mengembangkan keorganisasian OSIS SMP N 4 Kec.Payakumbuh.
Adapun jenis acara yang di perlombakan dalam Class Meeting yang di mulai dari hari Senin tgl 22 Juni 2009 kemaren adalah:
1. Volley Ball
2. Basketball
3. Takraw
4. Solo Song
5. MTQ
6. Bola Dangdut
7. Tenis Meja
8. Catur
Semua siswa di SMP N 4 Kec.Payakumbuh yang tahun ini berjumlah lebih kurang 71 Siswa, ikut ambil bagian di masing masing pertandingan yang di pertandingkan.Semua sangat semangat dan antusias mengikuti event yang diadakan satu kali dalam semester ini.Walau dengan keterbatasan dana dan fasilitas,Panitia pelaksana Class Meeting SMP N 4 Kec.Payakumbuh bisa melaksanakan acara tersebut.Kami yakin walaupun SMP N 4 Kec.Payakumbuh di golongkan msh bayi, Tapi kami bisa mensejajarkan prestasi dengan sekolah lain...
Akkhir kata, panitia pelaksana mengucapkan ribuan terimakasih kepada Dinas Pendidikan,Kepala Sekolah,Pembimbing OSIS, Guru guru, dan pihak pihak lain yang tidak bisa disebutkan namanya satu persatu, atas dukungannya demi suksesnya acara kita ini.
Faihfully yours,
OSIS SMP N 4 Kec.Payakumbuh
STORY TELLING by: Nurazizah (VIII.A)
Good morning everybody, the honorable of adjudicator and the member of this house.
For the first time, let me introduce my self. OK my name is Nurazizah. I’m from Junior High School Number 4 Kec. Payakumbuh. I want to tell you about the story of Malin Kundang. Here is the story,
A long time ago, there was lived a widow with her only son. They lived in a hut, in a village near the sea. They were very poor.
Malin Kundang is the son’s name, thought, “if i stay here, i won’t have a better life. I have to leave this village and look for a job.”
His mother was sad to hear that. But she knew that Malin Kundang was right. So she let him go.
After her son had left, Malin Kundang’s mother went to the beach every day and prayed for her son safety. She hoped her son would return soon.
One morning, a beautiful big ship docked. There were Malin Kundang and his wife. Malin Kundang’s mother cried joyfully. “oh Malin Kundang my son! You are home!” she hugged the young man
Malin kundang did not believe her. He said, “She can’t be my mother! She was a strong woman when i left her.”
But his wife said angrily, “Why didn’t you tell me that your mother is poor and old?” then she spitted on the old woman.
The old woman cried. She could not believe what she heard. “Malin i’m your mother.” But Malin Kundang did not listen. He was embarrassed to have an old mother. So he kick the old woman and yelled at her, “Go away ugly woman. My mother does not look like you at all.”
The old woman fell on the ground. She cried. Then she prayed, “My dear God, if he is really my son, so, punish him.”
After that, there were a lot of damage at the store and the villagers saw rocks that looked like a man. People believed that was, Malin Kundang he changed into coral reef. God had punished him.
OK. I think that’s all the Malin Kundang story. Thank you for attention, and good bye…
Sabtu, 20 Juni 2009
Pesantren Kilat
Tempat dan Tanggal Pelaksanaan
Tempat : SMP N 4 Kec. Payakumbuh
Kenagarian Taeh Bukik
Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota
Hari dan Tanggal : Akhir Agustus 2009 (Bulan Ramadhan)
1. Aqidah dan Akhlak
2. Ibadah
3. Al Quran
4. Muamalah
5. Syari’ah
6. Tarikh
7. Materi Penunjang Bakti Sosial, Olah Raga , Muhasabah
Penanggung Jawab : Aziz Marwan, S.Pd
Koordinator : Faisal
Wakil Koordinator : M.H Fauzi Nadra, SE
Sekretaris : Hidayat, A.Md
Anggota : Afdhal, S.Pd
: Ahmad Fitri, SE
Seksi Perlengkapan / Keamanan : Riswandi
Seksi Konsumsi : WIT MUSTIKA WATI S.Pd